Dear Friends, Clients and Colleagues:
As the leaves are turning color and the weather is getting slightly more chilly we are pleased to present to you our Third Quarter 2015 newsletter. In this issue we include links to the latest news we find interesting including market statistics from the 3rd quarter, a fun article comparing Brooklyn and Manhattan, a preview of a contemporary art auction overseas and a link to a new restaurant that we have enjoyed. We also highlight 2 destinations – Santa Fe, New Mexico and Bar Harbor, Maine where the quality of life is very different from our urban living here in the city. This quarter we are offering three current listings for sale – an artist’s loft in SoHo, a beautifully appointed and well located home on Lower Fifth Avenue, and a duplex walk-up 2 bedroom with lovely garden views in the West Village. So please have a look when you have a moment. All the best to you this fall. Happy Halloween!
The Norrgard – Tenore Team

New York City Market Update | Third Quarter 2015
Visit the Third Quarter Market Report here:

Brooklyn Real Estate to Manhattan: ‘What’s Good?’
For as long as there have been rivalries, Manhattan has often been presented as the place where people would rather live, and the other boroughs honorable mentions that will do nearly as nicely. That dynamic is shifting. After a spate of new real estate market reports, Brooklyn can now definitively say: “What’s good, Manhattan?” The median price of a Brooklyn apartment is now at an all-time high of $676,250 – up 15.1 percent from the year before.

Sotheby’s Auction | Southeast Asian Abstraction
Coinciding with the 30th anniversary of Sotheby’s Singapore, as well as the 50th anniversary of Singapore’s independence as a country, Southeast Asian Abstraction: A New Dialoguecelebrates the very essence of abstract form within a localized context. This exhibition highlights Southeast Asian abstract art from the 1960s to the 21st century. The artworks created may be seen as a marriage influenced by old world concepts paired together with a fresh vocabulary.

Sotheby’s Style Magazine | Santa Fe
This collection of fine properties serves as an excellent resource for those who are interested in Santa Fe real estate.
