The current real estate market in King county and the surrounding Snohomish and Pierce counties have gone off the rails! Houses are selling in days, some in hours, with competing offers with unheard of power. Buyers are bidding fiercely, waiving contingencies altogether, offering loads of cash, and quick closing dates. I have seen a very cute, but very small rambler in Redmond sell for 100K over asking, with over 20 competitive offers, in 3 days. That is unreal! Others are receiving over 30 offers, mainly all cash. Simply amazing.
If you have been even toying with the idea of selling a house, you should take advantage of this very rare opportunity while you can.
Give me a call, and I will help you make the very best rate of return on your investment, with an amazing sale!
Now is the time. Lets get you started.
Erin Harold | Broker
Marketplace Sotheby’s International Realty