I want to wish everyone a joyful holiday! I also want to say how thankful I am to be part of such a dynamic team at Sotheby’s International Realty. I am grateful for all the shared wisdom, support and expertise our team exceeds in providing our clients both locally and globally. It is an amazing company to be part of. I love this team!
I am also thankful for all of the amazing title, escrow, lending, staging, landscaping, repair and inspecting teams that I have the pleasure of working with on a regular basis. Without all of you, we could not do such an extraordinary job! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to our clients, every time. You guys are the best!
I am very blessed to have such a strong circle of amazing clients as well! Not only do I care a great deal for each and every one of them, I tend to remain friends with them and their families, for years following a transaction. I have such a diverse array of cool clients, and I am exceedingly grateful for all of them. They are the ones who, with their kind words and adoring praise, allow me to continue to grow and achieve my goals. Thank you for all of your loyalty, trust and of course, the referrals! That is always the very best kind of thank you.
Finally, I am very thankful to all of my family and friends who are always such a big support to me and the kiddos, and are so fundamental in helping me with my ever-demanding career. I appreciate all of you for all the love and laughter you bring. It takes a village to raise a strong family, and I have a fantastic village! I could not do any of this without all of you! I Love you guys.
Happy Holidays to all!!!
Sincerely, Erin